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자율주행 개발 프로세스/SOTIF (ISO21448)

자율주행 안전 (SOTIF) 용어 정리 - Levels of driving automation

by 멘토_ 2021. 11. 5.

해당 포스팅은 차량 자율주행 안전 표준인 SOTIF 의 정의된 용어 중 Levels of driving automation 에 관한 내용을 정리합니다. 해당 내용은 SAE J3016 의 내용을 SOTIF 표준에 맞춰 수정된 정의 입니다.


Levels of driving automation

: mutually exclusive set of driving automation levels, ranging from Level 0 (no automation) to Level 5 (full automation), defining the roles of the driver or user and automation system in relation to each other



Level Name Lateral and longitudinal vehicle motion control OEDR DDT Fallback ODD
0 No driving automation Driver Driver Driver Not available
1 Driver assistance Driver and System Driver Driver Limited
2 Partial driving automation System Driver Driver Limited
3 Conditional driving automation System System Fallback ready user Limited
4 High driving automation System System System Limited
5 Full driving automation System System System Unlimited


Term Description
driving task

real-time operational and tactical functions required to operate a vehicle in traffic

Note 1 to entry: The following functions are part of the DDT:

- Lateral vehicle motion control (operational);
- Longitudinal vehicle motion control (operational);
- Monitoring the driving environment (operational and tactical) and object and event response execution(operational and tactical), see OEDR
- Manoeuvre planning (tactical);
- Enhancing conspicuity via lighting, signalling and gesturing, etc. (tactical)
object and 
detection and

tasks of the DDT that include monitoring the driving environment and executing an appropriate response to objects and events to complete the DDT and/or the DDT fallback
DDT Fallback response by the driver or automation system to either perform the DDT or transition to a minimal risk condition after the occurrence of a failure or detection of a functional insufficiency or upon detection of a potentially hazardous behaviour

EXAMPLE  ODD exit or a sensor blocked by ice can lead to hazardous behaviour
minimal risk

vehicle state in order to reduce the risk of harm, when a given trip cannot be completed

Note 1 to entry: This is one expected outcome of a DDT fall back.

note 2 to entry: The functional safety analogue of ISO 26262 be the safe state.
operational design domain 

specific conditions under which a given driving automation system is designed to function 

Note 1 to entry: Conditions can be spatial, temporal, legal or environmental.
Note 2 to entry: The term "designed" is taken from the definition in SAE J3016. In this document it means specified.
Fallback ready user user who is able to operate the vehicle and is capable of intervening to perform the DDT fallback as required and within a time span appropriate for the defined non-driving occupation.