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자율주행 기술/인지

Logical Interface (Sensor To Sensor Fusion) 용어 정리 - Level of detail

by 멘토_ 2021. 11. 5.

해당 포스팅은 자율주행 Sensor 와 Sensor/Data Fusion 간의 Logical Inetface 에 관한 표준인 ISO 23150 에서 정의된 용어 중 Level of deatil 에 관한 내용을 정리합니다.


Term Description
detection sensor technology specific entity represented in the sensor coordinate system based on a single measurement of a sensor

Note 1 to entry: A small amount of history can be used for some detection signals, for example, model-free filtering may be used in track-before-detect algorithms.
set of logical interfaces that provides detections
feature sensor technology specific entity represented in the vehicle coordinate system based on multiple measurements

Note 1 to entry: Multiple measurements can originate from a sensor cluster

Note 2 to entry: Multiple measurements can originate from multiple measurement cycles.

Note 3 to entry: The term feature is used in this document not as function or group of functions as specified in ISO/SAE 22736
feature level set of logical interfaces that provides features
object representation of a real-world entity with defined boundaries and characteristics in the vehicle coordinate system

Note 1 to entry: The geometric description of the object is in the vehicle coordinate system.

Note 2 to entry: Object signals are basically sensor technology independent. Sensor technology specific signals may extend the object signals.

EXAMPLE A potentially moving object, a road object, a static object
object level set of logical interfaces that provides objects