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자율주행 기술/인지

Logical Interface (Sensor To Sensor Fusion) 용어 정리 - Requirement level

by 멘토_ 2021. 11. 5.

해당 포스팅은 자율주행 Sensor 와 Sensor/Data Fusion 간의 Logical Interface 에 관한 표준인 ISo 23150 에서 정의된 용어 중 Requirement level 에 관한 내용을 정리합니다.


Term Description
conditional required under certain specified conditions

Note 1 to entry: One of three obligation statuses applied to a requirement level of a logical interface specification, indicating the conditions under which the signal or logical signal group is required. In other cases, the signal or logical signal group is optional.
mandatory always required.

Note 1 to entry: One of three obligation statuses applied to a requirement level of a logical interface specification, indicating the conditions under which the signal or logical signal group is required.
optional permitted but not required

Note 1 to entry: One of three obligation statuses applied to a requirement level of a logical interface specification, indicating the conditions under which the signal or logical signal group is required.
definition of the obligation status of a logical interface's logical signal group, signal as well as a signal's identifier or signal's enumerator

Note 1 to entry: Each requirement level entry has one of three possible obligation statuses applied: conditional, mandatory or optional

